Want to Slow Down the Aging Process?
FemmeAGE Finds the Key to Success: Your Reproductive Health Data
A global effort to increase healthy human longevity is now underway. But even though women today are living longer than ever before…The onset of menopause has only increased by 3 to 4 years and little headway has been made to ward off the cascade of negative health effects that coincide with the end of fertility.
More and more women are asking: “What good is living longer, if those added years are in poor health?”
FemmeÂGE, a fresh, go-getting startup, offers an answer. This femtech company is helping women find power in their reproductive health data to slow down the aging process and reveal their true healthspan potential.
“We are empowering women to deeply understand their unique biology, to learn more about their biological age — not just rely on their chronological age — to take proactive steps toward more healthy, symptom and disease-free, years of life.” said founder and CEO, Natasa Billeci.
A company on a mission, FemmeÂGE is laser-focused on understanding how a woman’s reproductive system ages to increase our understanding of how and why other organ systems age.
“With this key knowledge, we can develop interventions that decelerate the aging process while revealing a woman's true healthspan potential.” says Billeci.
Aging up to 2x faster than the rest of the body, women’s reproductive organs are already considered geriatric by the time they reach their early 30’s (Buck Institute). We now know that many conditions once thought to be an inevitable consequence of aging and the conclusion of a woman’s fertility are actually preventable.
But women have been largely left out of this life-changing research.
FemmeÂGE believes that the answers lie in every woman’s unique biology. Understanding the ovarian dynamic could allow more informed choices about fertility, better therapies and improved wellness in later years (Longevity Technology).
“That’s why we are passionate about deepening our understanding of female biology. Our work will improve reproductive and biological aging and narrow the gender data gap to build a better future for all women.” says Billeci.
For too long women have been let down by our current healthcare system, struggling to get to the bottom of their symptoms and piece together their care — relying on Dr. Google and one-size-fits-all solutions that often cause more harm than good.
Set to launch in 2022, FemmeÂGE is challenging the status quo by building the well-woman ecosystem of the future, designed by women and optimized by AI and machine learning technology.
“It’s time for women to take control of their well-woman health journey. Your bio-individual data — optimized by our AI tech — has the potential to restore your health, slow down the aging process, and realize your healthspan potential.” says Billeci.
Taking a new, proactive approach to women’s health, FemmeÂGE serves as members’ personal health companion, helping guide them to restorative health with 100% personalized care and effective solutions based on her health data.
From virtual visits, at-home diagnostic testing and well-woman care plans to curated products, community workshops and events…FemmeÂGE empowers members to get to know their unique biology and gives them all the support they need for their well-woman health journey.
More than a movement, FemmeÂGE is a one-of-a-kind community bringing women back to the center of their care and to the forefront of the reproductive health conversation.
“We are dedicated to uplifting the unique voices of the women in our community. We’re a safe haven for women to gather, connect, lean on and support one another — anytime and anywhere.” says Billeci.
FemmeÂGE envisions a better world for women across the globe. The personal health insights of individual members, will be a force for change, empowering women across the globe at every stage of her biological life.
“We are the women’s healthspan champion.” says Billeci. “We wholeheartedly believe that by harnessing the power of our reproductive health data, we will be an innovative force that will inspire change in our own lives and in the lives of women everywhere. And in the process, we’re radically changing women’s healthcare for the better.”